Sunday, 8 January 2012

Busy Sunday!

Its Sunday again and as ever various rooms of the house are full of stock. I list most of my items via eBay on a Sunday so inevitably the space gets messy through the week culminating in the mess you see below!  The weekly clean up starts bright and early Monday morning and the fun bit of picking out this weeks stock to weather begins. Any commision weathering jobs i have been sent get done throughout the week so as you can see its pretty busy at times!

The wagons are awaiting roof weathering, and underframe weathering whilst the engines are still in their boxes. Tomorrow will not only be a day of cleaning up but also a busy day weathering and testing the engines. Hopefully by tomorrow night they will be up on eBay and noone but you and me will ever know of their previous dull unrealistic plastic appearance!

This weeks items include some pretty nice kit built open wagons aswell as some nice vent vans and a good selection of n gauge stock. As ever the locos are many and varied also. 11 diesels in total... i think next week will require some steam locos!

As time goes by and my site is up and running properly i hope to be able to offer you more interesting posts but for now heres just a little insight into the strange model world i spend most of my life surrounded by.


  1. Hi,
    Fantastic work that you do weathering, truly impressed. It's great to see such good ageing. Too many weathering artists put lots of weathering into the loco but seem to forget that a loco's paint itself degrades extremely frequently.
    Where do you get the loco's from that you sell on ebay? Are they previously owned or generally new loco's?

  2. Hi there, Thankyou for the compliments hugely appreciated. Most of the locos i sell are second hand as i buy them through eBay and model railways hops etc. All locos are tested to check they run perfectly etc so i know the customer wont have any complaints.

    But again thankyou for the kind words. After looking through hundreds and hundreds of photos particularly of diesels particular liveries seemed to get beaten up and damaged etc fairly quickly so it only seemed right to replicate that in model form. Hopefully its worked.

    Cheers, Scott.

  3. Well, should you find 86214 'Sans Pareil' on your travels and weather it handsomely I'd certainly be interested! I saw this post of it on RMWeb recently and it took my fascination!

    Weathering is what makes a good layout in my opinion, I've had many a discussion recently with my wife who commented -'I don't see why you'd buy something that is dirty', I think she missed the point :D I shall certainly be keeping my eyes on your site/blog and flickr pages and certainly be visiting your ebay account with my 'cheque' book in hand soon enough :o)

    Paul (locofan - had to sign in via Google)
